Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What is the interface?
Interface Table is a table which is used as medium for transfer of data between two systems.
What is INBOUND and OUT BOUND? (Different types of interfaces)
Inbound Interface:
For inbound interfaces, where these products are the destination, interface tables as well as
supporting validation, processing, and maintenance programs are provided.

Outbound Interface:
For outbound interfaces, where these products are the source, database views are provided and the destination application should provide the validation, processing, and maintenance programs

What is multi org?
“Legal entity has more than one operating unit is called as multi org”
a) Business group --- Human resources information is secured by
Business group
b) Legal entity. --- inter-company and fiscal/tax reporting.
Security responsibility operating unit.
c) Operating unit --- secures AR, OE, AP, PA and PO Information.
d) Organizations --- is a specialize unit of work at particular locations

What are the User PARAMETERS in the Reports?

FND SRWINIT sets your profile option values, multiple organizations and allows Oracle Application Object
Library user exits to detect that they have been called by an Oracle Reports program.
FND SRWEXIT ensures that all the memory allocated for AOL user exits have been freed up properly.
FND FLEXIDVAL are used to display flex field information like prompt, value etc
FND FLEXSQL these user exits allow you to use flex fields in your reports
FND FORMAT_CURRENCY is used to print currency in various formats by using formula column

What are the requests groups?
a) Single request: - this allows you to submit an individual request.
b) Request set : - this allows you to submit a pre-defined set of requests.

Difference between Bind and Lexical parameters?
are used to replace a single value in sql, pl/sql bind variable may be used to replace expressions in select, where, group, order by, having, connect by, start with cause of queries.
bind reference may not be referenced in FROM clause (or) in place of reserved words or clauses.

you can use lexical reference to replace the clauses appearing AFTER select,
from, group by, having, connect by, start with. you can’t make lexical reference in a pl/sql statmetns.

update clause:
1) use explicit locking to deny access for the duration of a transaction
2) lock the rows before update or delete
Ex : select …….
For update[ of column ref] [no_wait]
where current of clause?
1) use cursor to update or delete the current row
Where current of <>

What is the package?
Group logically related pl/sql types, items and subprograms.
1. package specification
2. package body
Advantages of a package:
A. Modularity
B. Easier Application Design
C.Information Hiding
You cannot overload:
•Two subprograms if their formal parameters differ only in name or parameter mode. (datatype and their
total number is same).
•Two subprograms if their formal parameters differ only in datatype and the different datatypes are in the
same family (number and decimal belong to the same family)
•Two subprograms if their formal parameters differ only in subtype and the different subtypes are based
on types in the same family (VARCHAR and STRING are subtypes of VARCHAR2)
•Two functions that differ only in return type, even if the types are in different families.

What are triggers?
triggers are similar to procedures, in that they are the named pl/sql blocks with declarative,executable and exception-handling sections, how ever a procedure is executed explicitly from another block via a procedure call, which can also pass arguments.
A trigger is executed implicitly when ever a particular event task places. And is nothing but a event.
The triggering event is a DML (insert, update, delete) operations on a data base table
fires whenever a data event(such as DML) or system event(such as login or shutdown) occurs on a schema or database
Trigger timing :

1) before
2) after
3) instead of ( this is used for views)

events :
1) insert
3) delete
Trigger type :

1) statement level
2) row level.
Firing sequence of database triggers
1. before statement trigger
2. before row trigger
3. after row trigger
4. after statement trigger

Is to reduce concurrency
1) share lock
it allows the other users for only reading not to insert
2) exclusive lock
only one user can have the privileges of insert or
others can only read.
3) update lock
multiple user can read, update delete
Lock levels :
1) table level 2) table space 3) data base level.

What are ad-hoc reports?
Ans.: Ad-hoc Report is made to meet one-time reporting needs. Concerned with or formed for a particular purpose. For example, ad hoc tax codes or an ad hoc database query

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