Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Account Receivables FAQ
1) What is Autolockbox?
A) Auto lockbox is a service that commercial banks offer corporate customers to enable them to out source their account receivable payment processing. Auto lockbox can also be used to transfer receivables from previous accounting systems into current receivables. It eliminates manual data entry by automatically processing receipts that are sent directly to banks. It involves three steps
Import (Formats data from bank file and populates the Interface Table),
Validation(Validates the data and then Populates data into Interim Tables),
Post Quick Cash(Applies Receipts and updates Balances in BaseTables).

2)What is Transmission Format?
A) Transmission Format specifies how data in the lockbox bank file should be organized such that it can be successfully imported into receivables interface tables. Example, Default, Convert, Cross Currency, Zengen are some of the standard formats provided by oracle.
3)What is Auto Invoice?
A) Autoinvoice is a tool used to import and validate transaction data from other financial systems and create invoices, debit-memos, credit memos, and on account credits in Oracle receivables. Using Custom Feeder programs transaction data is imported into the autoinvoice interface tables.
Autoinvoice interface program then selects data from interface tables and creates transactions in receivables (Populates receivable base tables) . Transactions with invalid information are rejected by receivables and are stored in RA_INTERFACE_ERRORS_ALL interface table.

4) What are the Mandatory Interface Tables in Auto Invoice?

5) What are the Set up required for Custom Conversion, Autolockbox and Auto Invoice?
A) Autoinvoice program Needs AutoAccounting to be defined prior to its execution.
6) What is AutoAccounting?
A) By defining AutoAccounting we specify how the receivables should determine the general ledger accounts for transactions manually entered or imported using Autoinvoice. Receivables automatically creates default accounts(Accounting Flex field values) for revenue, tax, freight, financial charge, unbilled receivable, and unearned revenue accounts using the AutoAccounting information.
7) What are Autocash rules?
A) Autocash rules are used to determine how to apply the receipts to the customers outstanding debit items. Autocash Rule Sets are used to determine the sequence of Autocash rules that Post Quickcash uses to update the customers account balances.
8) What are Grouping Rules? (Used by Autoinvoice)
A) Grouping rules specify the attributes that must be identical for lines to appear on the same transaction. After the grouping rules are defined autoinvoice uses them to group revenues and credit transactions into invoices debit memos, and credit memos.
9) What are Line Ordering Rules? (Used by Autoinvoice)
A) Line ordering rules are used to order transaction lines when grouping the transactions into invoices, debit memos and credit memos by autoinvoice program. For instance if transactions are being imported from oracle order management , and an invoice line ordering rule for sales_order _line is created then the invoice lists the lines in the same order of lines in sales order.
10) In which table you can see the amount due of a customer?
11) How do you tie Credit Memo to the Invoice?
At table level, In RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL, If you entered a credit memo, the PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID column stores the customer transaction ID of the invoice that you credited. In the case of on-account credits, which are not related to any invoice when the credits are created, the PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID column is null.
12)What are the available Key Flex Fields in Oracle Receivables?
A) Sales Tax Location Flex field, It’s used for sales tax calculations.
Territory Flex field is used for capturing address information.

13). What are Transaction types? Types of Transactions in AR?
Transaction types are used to define accounting for different transactions such as Debit Memo, Credit Memo, On-Account Credits, Charge Backs, Commitments and invoices.
14) What are the different statuses for Receipts?
A) Unidentified – Lack of Customer Information
Unapplied – Lack of Transaction/Invoice specific information (Ex- Invoice Number)
Applied – When all the required information is provided.
On-Account, Non-Sufficient Funds, Stop Payment, and Reversed receipt.
Customer Conversion:
Interface Tables :
Base Tables :
Auto Invoice:
Interface Tables :
Base Tables :
Interface Tables :
Interim tables :
AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL (All Populated by Submit Validation)

Base Tables :
AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL ( All Populated by post quick cash)

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