Wednesday, December 05, 2007


  • Oracle Reports 10g is Introduced in R12, But 10G doesn’t support all Features.

    1)Import Portal component
    2)Backward compatibility with oracle reports 6i Client
    3)Using Keywords SRW.RUN_PRODUCT

    If your Migrating any report from 6i-> 10g, switch to using either the ORA_JAVA package or the Java Importer utility. Refer to Oracle Reports online Help for more information on how to use the Java Importer

    Deprecated user exit built-in procedures

    SRW.UNKNOWN_USER_EXITà Replace with ORA_FFI, or ORA_JAVA calls.
    SRW.USER_EXITà Replace with ORA_FFI, or ORA_JAVA calls.
    SRW.USER_EXIT20à Replace with ORA_FFI, or ORA_JAVA calls.
    SRW.USER_EXIT_FAILUREà Replace with ORA_FFI, or ORA_JAVA calls

    Obsolete Functionality

    The following functionality is obsolete in Oracle Reports 10g Release 2 (10.1.2):

    · Running Reports Server as a Windows service

    The following functionality was obsoleted in a prior release (that is, Oracle9i Reports or Oracle Reports 10g (9.0.4)):

    1)Character-mode Runtime Viewer

    2) Graphical user interface for reports runtime

    3)Oracle Forms built-in RUN_PRODUCT for submitting report requests

    4)Oracle Graphics

    5)Selected executables

    6)Selected command line keywords

    7)Selected system parameters

    8)Miscellaneous Items

    Character-mode reports can still be designed in Reports Builder 10g (10.1.2), and character-mode output produced with Oracle Reports 10g (10.1.2), using the command line option MODE=CHARACTER

    The Oracle Forms built-in RUN_PRODUCT is replaced by the new built-in RUN_REPORT_OBJECT.

    RUN_REPORT_OBJECT for submitting report requests. For more information, refer 16 to the white paper Oracle Application Server 10g - Integrating Oracle Reports in Oracle Forms Services available on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

    In Oracle Reports 10g Release 2 (10.1.2), the use of keywords SERVER and USERID with SRW.RUN_REPORT is deprecated. Reports created in prior releases that use these keywords with SRW.RUN_REPORT will continue to run in Oracle Reports 10g Release 2 (10.1.2), but the values specified in these keywords will be ignored. If you need these keyword values to be honored, set the environment variable REPORTS_SRWRUN_TO_SERVER=YES.

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