Sunday, October 15, 2006

Overview of OA Frame work.

Oracle Applications Framework (OA Framework) is the Oracle Applications development and deployment platform for HTML-based business applications.OA Framework consists of a set of middle-tier runtime services and a design-time extension to Oracle9i JDeveloper called Oracle Applications Extension. Oracle9i JDeveloper with OA Extension (OA Extension) is a world class J2EE-based integrated development environment

OA Framework is designed around the simple Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture The MVC architecture is a component-based design pattern.OA Framework technologies has driven several industry standards and has adopted several others.OA Framework is J2EE based and features several industry standards such as XML, HTML, Java, JSP, SQL and Web Services.OA Extension provides features such as easy-to-use wizards, a hierarchy navigator, and a property sheet. These features enable developers to populate the metadata for declarative application business logic and user interfaces.
what JDeveloper version should be used for OAF development
Current JDeveloper patches:
Patch 4573517 - Oracle9i JDeveloper with OA Extension for 11.5.10 CU2
To determine which patch to use, you can simply check the framework version in your instance by using
then choose the matched one.
11.5.10K = patch 4045639

11.5.101CU = patch 4141787

11.5.102CU = patch 4573517

11.5.103CU = patch 4725670


OA Framework Architecuture is based on the industry-standard J2EE MVC design pattern.So Developers manipulate the application's metadata using Oracle 9i JDeveloper OA Extension .
How to Remove personalization
1. Login to application
2. Select Responsibility Functional Administrator
3. Click Personalization Tab ( Upper Right)
4. For Application , Enter the following: Self-Service Web Applications
5. Click on the Personalized Checkbox
6. Click Go
7. Remove or De-activate your personalization that is causing the issue by selecting the personalization level at which you made that particular persanolization . Because if you made some personalizations at responsibility level and some at site level and if you made mistake whenever you are making personalization at site then you need to select the personalization level at site level rather than responsibility , so that you eventhough you deactivate personalizations at site level by usingthis action plan , you can protect your personalizations which were made at responsibility level .8 Re-test your login.
by setting the profile option "Disable Self-Service Personal" to "Yes
Method -3
Use the JDR_UTILS package
Use sqlplus and this comand examples
set serveroutput on;
execute jdr_utils.listDocuments('//', TRUE);
then refer the follwoing tbales
what is EO ( Entity Object ) ,View Object (ViewImpl) and View Row ( ViewRowImpl )?
Entity Object :BC4J entity objects encapsulate the business rules like validations, actions associated with a row in a database table, view or synonym .
View Object (ViewImpl):In the simplest terms, a BC4J view object encapsulates a database query and provides iteration over and access to the view rows in its result set
View Row ( ViewRowImpl ) :Represents a single row in a view object.
Customization of Information Template in iProc
information templates to gather additional information in Oracle iProcurement to pass necessary order processing information to suppliers.When an information template is assigned to a category or item, the application prompts requesters to provide the information specified in the template when the item is added to the shopping cart.Each information template must be associated with an Oracle Purchasing item or item category.If an information template is associated with an item category, all items belonging to that category are also associated with the template.

Create an information template:
1.From the Oracle Purchasing menu, select Setup > Information Templates.
Give your Template a name.
2.Select Available in All Organizations if you want the template to be available to requesters in all operating units.
3.Select an Attachment Category of To Supplier or To Buyer.
4.Enter an Attribute Name and Description as shown in figure.
You can create pop-list and attch to the attribute.
Createing pop-list
Navigate From the Oracle Purchasing menu setup->flex fields->Validation->sets

create value set name as TRVL_AIR_DROP

List type List of values

validation type inpedendent

2. Create values for TRVL_AIR_DROP

Navigate from po setup->flex fileds->validation->values

3.finally Attach the Poplist to information template attributes.

4.Next Go to iProcurement Catalog Adminstration .Navigate Non catalog Request Templates

Click on create button and pass the necessary inputs and click on add template button pass the information template which we customized in PO.

Template name : Test Travel Req

Organization : select your orgnization.

5. Click on stores link under Manage Content link

click on edit under Non-Catalog Request Store then Click on Add template Button

select template name which we made in previous screen (ie Test Travel Req) And Submit.

6.Finally you can see the result at iProcurement Page

select the Request Type : Test Travel Req

You can see the our customization result under Testinfo Temp Layout.

you can see above information in following table
select * from POR_TEMPLATE_INFO


Oracle iProcurement, securing attributes called realms are used to restrict requester access to the catalog.
Realms are securing attributes used to control access to the catalog as an additional layer for application security
ICX_POR_REALM_ID -->Use this attribute to secure the responsibility for category or item
source realms.
Once you create a realm, you assign it to a responsibility or user. The requester associated with that responsibility or user can see whatever categories or item source catalogs are contained in that realm.

1. Create the realm. 2. Assign the realm to a responsibility. 3. Optionally assign realms to individual users if desired.
Create the Realm:
1.Log in to Oracle Purchasing And Navigate Setup > E-Catalog Admin > Realms. window enter your own Name and Description for the realm.
component Type : Category
components: select any existing Category.
3. Save your work Realm Id Generated automatically.

Assign the Realm to a Responsibility:
1.Log on to Sysadmin
2.Open the Responsiblities window
3.Query the responsibility to which you will assign the realm.(Ex: iProcurement)

4.n the Name field, use the LOV to select ICX_POR_REALM_ID.
5. Click on Values Button In the Values Button Select the Relam ID
6. And Save your Changes.

Assign the Realm to Users (Optional):
1.Log on to Sysadmin.
2.Navigation path: Security > User >Define.
3.Query the user (person) to whom you want to assign the realm.
4.In the Securing Attributes tabbed region,in the Attribute field, use the LOV to select

5.In the Securing Attributes tabbed region, create a line for each realm you want to assign to the user. Select ICX_POR_REALM_ID in the Name field and the Realm ID for each realm. 6. Save your work.

Categories restricted by realms display to requesters when browsing categories;however, the items in those categories do not display.

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