Thursday, December 28, 2006

Oracle Forms Personalization

Oracle Forms Personalization

Oracle has introduced a mechanism which revolutionizes the way the forms can be customized to fulfill the customer needs.Oracle Applications has provided a custom library using which the look and behavior of the standard forms can be altered, but the custom library modifications require extensive work on SQL and PL/SQL.Oracle Applications release 11.5.10 has provided a user interface “Personalization form” which will be used to define the personalization rules.

By default the “Personalize” menu is visible to all the users; this can be controlled with help of
profile options.By setting up the below profile options,access to the Personalize menu can
be limited for the authorized users.

Utilities: Diagnostics = Yes/No
Hide Diagnostics = Yes/No

invoking the Personalization form click on “Help -> Diagnostics -> Custom Code -> Personalize”

The form mainly contains four sections.

• Rules
• Conditions
• Context
• Actions

Each rule contains a sequence number and the description. The rule can be activated or de-activated using the “Enabled” checkbox.

Conditions decide the event the rule to be executed. Each condition mainly contains three
sections i.e. Trigger Event, Trigger Object and Condition..

Context manages to whom the personalization should apply. This is similar to the concept of
using profile options in Oracle Application

Actions decide the exact operation to be performed when the conditions and context return true
during the runtime.

Change the “Order Type” label to “Claim Type”

1.Open the Sales Order Form

2.Open the Personalization form using the navigation “Help Diagnostics Custom Code Personalize”

3.Enter the sequence number as 10 and description as “Change the Order Type Prompt to
Claim Type”

4.Select the Trigger Event as “WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE”

5.Select or enter the following values under Context section
• Level = Responsibility
• Value = Order Management Super User

On Actions tab, enter or select the following values
• Sequence = 10
• Type = Property
• Description = Order Type to Claim Type
• Language = All
• Enabled = Yes

Click on “Apply Now” button

Close both the forms and reopen the Sales Order form

The Order Number label should reflect as Claim Number

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

OA Frame work Patch

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Concept of BPEL

What is BPEL

The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is an XML-based language for enabling task Sharing.BPEL is based on the XML schema, simple object access protocol (SOAP), and Web services description language (WSDL).Using BPEL, you design a business process that integrates a series of discrete services into an end-to-end process flow. BPEL Allows you to send Send XML messages to, and asynchronously receive XML messages from, remote services Manipulate XML data structures.

Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides a framework for easily designing, deploying, monitoring, and administering processes based on BPEL standards.
The Oracle BPEL provides following features.
  • Web service standards such as XML, SOAP, and WSDL
  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  • Audit trails for tracing business flow history
    Event timeouts and notifications

BPEL Designer?

Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides support for two types of BPEL designer environments for graphically designing BPEL processes:

1.JDeveloper BPEL Designer
2. Eclipse BPEL Designer

BPEL processes by dragging and dropping elements (known as activities) into the process and editing their property pages eliminatewrite BPEL code.BPEL designers can deploy the developed processes directly to Oracle BPEL Console.BPEL Designer is integrated with Oracle JDeveloper 10g. Oracle JDeveloper 10g is an integrated development environment (IDE) for building applications and Web services using Java, XML, and SQL standards.

BPEL Process Manager Components

Oracle BPEL Process Manager consists of the three components

1.Design 2.Deployment 3.Management

Design: You can design and Deploy the BPEL Processes using darg and drop and integrate BPEL processes with external services.

2.Deployment :Once design is complete, you deploy the process from the design environment to Oracle BPEL Server. If deployment is successful, you can run and manage the BPEL process from Oracle BPEL Console.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Creating Sample Workflow

Creating Sample Workflow

Open the Workflow builder .Click on New Store Icon Then right click on Untitled Icon as shown in figure.Click on New Item Type

Pass all parameters

Internal name:TST_ITEM
Disaply Item:Test Item
Description:Testing Item

Then click on Apply

Expand the Navigator Right Click on Attribute

Monday, November 06, 2006

Learn Workflow

Concept of Oracle Workflow

A workflow consists of numerous processes reprents business process flows and information.Each workflow process contains a set of activities,notifications,PL/SQL stored procedures or another sub process
Workflow Components
it contains 6 major components.
1.workflow Builder
provides a graphical user interface for creating and maintaing definations.
2.workflow Engine
is the component that executes and enforces the defined workflow process
3.workflow Monitor
Component of oracle workflow that allows you to review the state or status
4.workflow Definitions Loader
is the component that allows you to download or load workflow definitions to and from the date base or test files.
5.Notification System.
the notification mailer is a program that concurrently sends emails and receive responses.
6. workflow Directory Services
work flow Dir services is the component that identifies the directory repository.
Work flow Functions are stores in PL/SQL procedures there is a standard API format for all stored procedures
function variables.
Itemtype -->A category of items that share the same set of attributes.
itemkey--> A unique key identifier within the same item type for specific item passing
actid ---> the unique identifier of the activity that calls this stored procedure.
Result--> the result of the stored procedure can be
The format of stored procedure declaration will be
PROCEDURE your_procedure(
itemtype in varchar2,
itemkey in varchar2,
actid in number,
funcmode in varchar2,
result out varchar2) Is
in funcmode variable to execute codes that correspond to the RUN,CANCEL and TIMEOUT modes.
inside the stored procedure you must use workflow Engine APIs to communicate with workflow engine. All workflow Engine APIs present inside the WF_ENGINE package.
API'S inside the WF_ENGINE
SetItemAttrText set the value of a text item attribute.
SetItemAttrNumber set the value of a number Item attribute.
SetItemAttrDate set the value if a date item attribute
GetItemAttrInfo Get type information about an item attribute
CreateProcess create a new rntime process for an item
StartProcess Begins execution of the process.
Remain I will Update soon

Friday, October 20, 2006



HRMS support API's custome business logic we have called as 'API USer HOOKS'.This feature enable you to extend business logic means you can write your own validation rules or processing logics .there are 3 special APIS to insert ,update and delete the information.API user hooks are provided in the HRMS APIs.

There are 2 main APIS user hooks in HRMS

  • Before process.
  • After process.

Before Prcoess :Before process user Hooks execute any extra logic before the main API Processing.

After Process: After logic user Hooks execute any extra logic after all the main API validation and processing.

The HR_API_HOOKS table contains a record for each user hook in a particular API code module.this table is a child of the HR_API_MODULES Table supplied by oracle .One advantage of implementing the API user hook approach is that your extra logic iscalled every time the APIs are includes any HRMS Forms or Web pages.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Free Oracle Application Servers availble in INTERNET

Free Oracle Application Servers availble in INTERNET

for username/passcode register your self
username/passcode RA1691/1691RA.

XML Gateway Overview

XML Gateway

HI, today i will talk briefly about Oracle XML Gateway as component of Oracle Applications. This is only indented to be a conceptual introduction and for the complete details you must refer to the user guide or appropriate metalink note.
XML Gateway is a tool that facilitates the communication between the Oracle E business suite and third party applications or trading partners in the form of well formatted XML messages.
XML Gateway ensures that both business to business (B2B) and Application to Application(A2A) requirements are met. Further XML Gateway ensures that the messages that are generated or consumed are compliant with the standards set by the OpenApplications Group. You can find more information on these standards at
Oracle XML Gateway works with Oracle Workflow to consume events raised and generate XML messages. These messages are further propagated using Oracle Advanced queuing technology and Oracle Transport agent(OTA).
Inbound and outbound messages are managed in queue table using Oracle Advanced Queuing.
The OTA is used to deliver messages to a trading partner over HTTP or HTTPs. An OTA servlet running with Oracle Applications is also responsible for receiving inbound documents sent by the trading partner.
Oracle XML gateway can be considered as a form of EDI, whereas in a normal EDI transaction the operation happens in a batch in case of XML gateway the message are more real time as they are based of events.
Oracle XML gateway makes use of the uses Web Services Description Language (WSDL) to facilitate trading partners to communicate with Oracle Applications. Trading partners can use third party web service tools to call the web services publish by your Oracle Applications.
It also uses the Java Messaging Service(JMS) to send messages between Oracle Applications and trading partners.
At the core of Oracle XML Gateway lies the execution engine, this is responsible for interacting with other oracle technologies like Oracle Workflow etc to consume and generate messages between trading partners as in the case of a B2B communication.
Oracle XML Gateway supports the SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, JMS transport protocols for message delivery and consumption.
Oracle XML Gateway uses the Message Designer to define message maps, message maps are required to specify the data source and data target for the document. You can also use Map creation wizards that are provided for this purpose.
The message designer and wizard is a client software which is required to be installed separately on the client PCs.
Message map files have a .xgm extension. Message maps that are created on the loacle /client system have to be loaded to the middle tier APPL_TOP.
The java LoadMap and java DeleteMap are used to load and delet message maps on the middle tier server.
Its important to note that before you crate your message maps for your document you must ensure that the document conforms to the Document Type Definition(DTD).Pre defined DTD are installed and loaded in the $APPLTOP of the middle Tier. You can however load custom DTD that you can define using the Oracle Message Designer to the middle tier as well as modify existing DTD and delete existing DTD.
The DTD files are created with the .dtd extension.
The java DeleteDTDFromClob and java LoadDTDToClob are used for deleting and loading DTDs respectively.For complete syntax and example to load and delet DTDs refer to the Oracle XML Gateway users guide.
You can use the Oracle Applications responsibility 'XML Gateway Responsibility' to define trading partners and transactions.
In releases 11.5.7 onwards XML gateway is distributed as a part of AOL and does not require to be licensed or installed separately. For prior releases XML Gateway can be installed by applying patch 2440710.
The metalink note
152775.1 contains full instructions for installing and configuring Oracle XML Gateway.
You can verify your XML gateway installation byu executing the following sql script
SQL> $ECX_TOP/patch/115/sql/ECXTEST.sql
this will create a OUTnnn.xml if the installation and configuration of XML Gateway is successful.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Overview of OA Frame work.

Oracle Applications Framework (OA Framework) is the Oracle Applications development and deployment platform for HTML-based business applications.OA Framework consists of a set of middle-tier runtime services and a design-time extension to Oracle9i JDeveloper called Oracle Applications Extension. Oracle9i JDeveloper with OA Extension (OA Extension) is a world class J2EE-based integrated development environment

OA Framework is designed around the simple Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture The MVC architecture is a component-based design pattern.OA Framework technologies has driven several industry standards and has adopted several others.OA Framework is J2EE based and features several industry standards such as XML, HTML, Java, JSP, SQL and Web Services.OA Extension provides features such as easy-to-use wizards, a hierarchy navigator, and a property sheet. These features enable developers to populate the metadata for declarative application business logic and user interfaces.
what JDeveloper version should be used for OAF development
Current JDeveloper patches:
Patch 4573517 - Oracle9i JDeveloper with OA Extension for 11.5.10 CU2
To determine which patch to use, you can simply check the framework version in your instance by using
then choose the matched one.
11.5.10K = patch 4045639

11.5.101CU = patch 4141787

11.5.102CU = patch 4573517

11.5.103CU = patch 4725670


OA Framework Architecuture is based on the industry-standard J2EE MVC design pattern.So Developers manipulate the application's metadata using Oracle 9i JDeveloper OA Extension .
How to Remove personalization
1. Login to application
2. Select Responsibility Functional Administrator
3. Click Personalization Tab ( Upper Right)
4. For Application , Enter the following: Self-Service Web Applications
5. Click on the Personalized Checkbox
6. Click Go
7. Remove or De-activate your personalization that is causing the issue by selecting the personalization level at which you made that particular persanolization . Because if you made some personalizations at responsibility level and some at site level and if you made mistake whenever you are making personalization at site then you need to select the personalization level at site level rather than responsibility , so that you eventhough you deactivate personalizations at site level by usingthis action plan , you can protect your personalizations which were made at responsibility level .8 Re-test your login.
by setting the profile option "Disable Self-Service Personal" to "Yes
Method -3
Use the JDR_UTILS package
Use sqlplus and this comand examples
set serveroutput on;
execute jdr_utils.listDocuments('//', TRUE);
then refer the follwoing tbales
what is EO ( Entity Object ) ,View Object (ViewImpl) and View Row ( ViewRowImpl )?
Entity Object :BC4J entity objects encapsulate the business rules like validations, actions associated with a row in a database table, view or synonym .
View Object (ViewImpl):In the simplest terms, a BC4J view object encapsulates a database query and provides iteration over and access to the view rows in its result set
View Row ( ViewRowImpl ) :Represents a single row in a view object.
Customization of Information Template in iProc
information templates to gather additional information in Oracle iProcurement to pass necessary order processing information to suppliers.When an information template is assigned to a category or item, the application prompts requesters to provide the information specified in the template when the item is added to the shopping cart.Each information template must be associated with an Oracle Purchasing item or item category.If an information template is associated with an item category, all items belonging to that category are also associated with the template.

Create an information template:
1.From the Oracle Purchasing menu, select Setup > Information Templates.
Give your Template a name.
2.Select Available in All Organizations if you want the template to be available to requesters in all operating units.
3.Select an Attachment Category of To Supplier or To Buyer.
4.Enter an Attribute Name and Description as shown in figure.
You can create pop-list and attch to the attribute.
Createing pop-list
Navigate From the Oracle Purchasing menu setup->flex fields->Validation->sets

create value set name as TRVL_AIR_DROP

List type List of values

validation type inpedendent

2. Create values for TRVL_AIR_DROP

Navigate from po setup->flex fileds->validation->values

3.finally Attach the Poplist to information template attributes.

4.Next Go to iProcurement Catalog Adminstration .Navigate Non catalog Request Templates

Click on create button and pass the necessary inputs and click on add template button pass the information template which we customized in PO.

Template name : Test Travel Req

Organization : select your orgnization.

5. Click on stores link under Manage Content link

click on edit under Non-Catalog Request Store then Click on Add template Button

select template name which we made in previous screen (ie Test Travel Req) And Submit.

6.Finally you can see the result at iProcurement Page

select the Request Type : Test Travel Req

You can see the our customization result under Testinfo Temp Layout.

you can see above information in following table
select * from POR_TEMPLATE_INFO


Oracle iProcurement, securing attributes called realms are used to restrict requester access to the catalog.
Realms are securing attributes used to control access to the catalog as an additional layer for application security
ICX_POR_REALM_ID -->Use this attribute to secure the responsibility for category or item
source realms.
Once you create a realm, you assign it to a responsibility or user. The requester associated with that responsibility or user can see whatever categories or item source catalogs are contained in that realm.

1. Create the realm. 2. Assign the realm to a responsibility. 3. Optionally assign realms to individual users if desired.
Create the Realm:
1.Log in to Oracle Purchasing And Navigate Setup > E-Catalog Admin > Realms. window enter your own Name and Description for the realm.
component Type : Category
components: select any existing Category.
3. Save your work Realm Id Generated automatically.

Assign the Realm to a Responsibility:
1.Log on to Sysadmin
2.Open the Responsiblities window
3.Query the responsibility to which you will assign the realm.(Ex: iProcurement)

4.n the Name field, use the LOV to select ICX_POR_REALM_ID.
5. Click on Values Button In the Values Button Select the Relam ID
6. And Save your Changes.

Assign the Realm to Users (Optional):
1.Log on to Sysadmin.
2.Navigation path: Security > User >Define.
3.Query the user (person) to whom you want to assign the realm.
4.In the Securing Attributes tabbed region,in the Attribute field, use the LOV to select

5.In the Securing Attributes tabbed region, create a line for each realm you want to assign to the user. Select ICX_POR_REALM_ID in the Name field and the Realm ID for each realm. 6. Save your work.

Categories restricted by realms display to requesters when browsing categories;however, the items in those categories do not display.

Friday, October 13, 2006

How to Get Debug XML Publisher

How to Get Debug XML Publisher ?

Setting up the debug mode for the program .In the program definition there is a debug flag Parameter, set this to 'Y'. To do this
  • Login as 'System Adminstrator'
  • Navigate to: Concurrent -> Program -> Define
  • Query up the program shortname XDOREPPB
  • Click on Parameters
  • Scroll down for "Debug Flag
  • Enable this by clicking on the check option.
  • In the Validation block, set the Default Value = Y
Create a xdodebug.cfg Under following Dir $AF_JRE_TOP/lib on concurrent manager node
add following 2 lines
LogDir=/tmp/xdodebug.err (Dir must exist in the file system)
run the concurrent program again
There will be a bunch of files in the 'LogDir' specified in the xdodebug.cfg file
Please delete the xdodebug.cfg file afterwards
Why XML Publisher and what are the advantages of XML Publisher?

In simple words, for easy generation of reports. The following are the advantages of XML Publisher:

1.Main advantage is Data separation and Presentation.
2.Rapid development of Report
3.Cost reduction
4.Control over Report Layout and High customization
5.Different presentation tools.
6.Output in the format of one’s choice.

How to make the column title needs to be on each page

How to make the column title needs to be on each page?

Highlight the table header rowRight click and select table propertiesOn the Row tab, specify that the header row should be repeated on every pageSave your work.

Multiple Headers and Footers

Microsoft Word does not allow form fields in the header and footer regions of a document. If you require many or complex objects in the header or footer of your report create a template within your template, simply wrap the contents of the internal template with the following tags:

internaltemplate name is the name you assign to the header/footer template.

Calling a XML Publisher report from FND_SUBMIT_REQUEST

Calling a XML Publisher report from FND_SUBMIT_REQUEST

Here is the code that you can used for submiting XML Report Publisher from within my Oracle Report's AfterReport trigger
srw.message(123,'Value of New Request : ' a ' Output Format :':p_output_format);

Common Problems in XML Publisher

Common Problems in XML Publisher
1) R U New to XML Publisher
You have two different types of XML Publisher:- the one integrated with ORacle eBS- the standalone version, see link
Go thru ,XML guide provided by Oracle,It will be sufficient
In XML Publisher 5.6 has a new tab: Administration fonts can be uploaded and stored in the database instead of stored on the file system.
To install a font requires only a few steps
1. Log in as XML Publisher Administrator.
2. Navigate to Administration->Font Files->Create Font File.
3. Fields are Font Name and File. For Font Name choose any descriptive name. File will browse your PC to locate the font file.
4. Navigate to Font Mappings->Create Font Mapping Set.
5. Mapping name is the name you will give to a set of fonts.
6. Mapping code is the internal name you will give to this set.
7. Type: 'PDF Form' for PDF templates. 'FO to PDF' for all other template types.
8. Create Font Mapping (this allows you to add multiple fonts to a set).
9. Font Family is the exact same name you see in Word under Fonts.If you don't use the same name the font will not be picked up at runtime.
10. Style and weight must also match how you use the font in windows.Normal and Normal are good defaults.
12. Navigate to Configuration General-> FO Processing->Font Mapping Set. Can also be done at data def and template level under Edit Configuration. Hierarchy is Site-> Data Def -> Template.
13. Select your new mapping set.
14. Make sure the font is not referenced under File->Properties->Custom in the RTF template file.
15. Upload a template that uses your special font and test using preview.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Common Problems in XML Publisher

Creating Data Definition Example:

Creating Template Example:

Registering RTF Template in Oracle applications

How to Registering RTF Template in Oracle applications.

1)Register your Template in the Template Manager.
2)Register your Data Definition In Data Definition Manager.

a)Creating Data Definition.

log on to Oracle apps Xml Publisher Responsibily. click on Home ->Data Definitions
then click on create Date Definition. and fill the all mandatory fields

Name : Name of the Report (XML Publisher Test Report)
code : Concurrent prof Short Name (XX_XML_TEST_RP)
Application: Name of the Application.(Order Management)
Start date: today date (09-Oct-2006)
Description:XML Publisher Test Report

Then Click on Apply Button.

b)Creating Template

Select the Templates Tab click on Create Template Tab

Name : Name of the Report (XML Publisher Test Report)
code : Concurrent prof Short Name (XX_XML_TEST_RP)
Data Definition:Name of the Report (Data Definition name)
Application: Name of the Application.(Order Management)
Start date: today date (09-Oct-2006)
Description:XML Publisher Test Report

File: click on browse Tab update your RTF file here.
Territory:United States

Then Go to OM responsibiliy Run the XML Publisher Test Report see the PDF out put.
Note :Before Runing XML Publisher Report Assign XML Publisher prog into OM responsibily.

Commonly Used XML Tags in Template

1) Holds the opening for-each loop for the item element.
2) Closing tag of the for-each loop.
3) The opening of the if statement to test
for the attribute value "PRIVATE".

4) Ends the if statement.
5) sort a group by any element within the group.
6) Sort Multiple Group of elements

7) To establish nested groupings within the already defined group
8)mailto:?for-each-group@cell:currentgroup(); Uses the regrouping syntax to group the data by YEAR
10) date format mask:

Variable Declaration

Use this element to declare a local or global variable.
XSL Syntax:

XML Publisher Tag:
Assigns the value "red" to the "color" variable. The variable can then be referenced in
the template.

Cell Highlighting


  • The above tag embeds native XSL code
  • The "attribute" element allows you to modify properties in the XSL.
  • The xdo:ctx component is an XML Publisher feature that allows you to adjust XSL
    attributes at any level in the template
  • To change the color attribute, you can use either the standard HTML names (for
    example, red, white, green) or you can use the hexadecimal color definition (for
    example, #FFFFF).

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Oracle XML Publisher

What is Oracle XML Publisher?

Oracle XML Publisher is a template-based publishing.It provides a new approach to report design.The flexibility of XML Publisher is a result of the separation of the presentation of the report from its data structure. XML Publisher provides the Template Manager to register and maintain report templates and their data sources. The Template Manager is the repository for your templates and data sources.
Creating customized reports using XML Publisher can be divided into two
  • Design Time and Runtime.

Design Time

  • Register the E-Business Suite report as a Data Definition in the Template Manager.
  • Design your template.
  • Register your Template in the Template Manager.
  • Add desired translations of your RTF template.

Oracle Applications Technical Articles

How to Restart or Bounce Apache in Oracle Apps 11i

Please find the two commands that I use for bouncing the Apache
  • 1)$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$TWO_TASK*/ stop
  • 2)$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$TWO_TASK*/ start

In case you have modified any java or class file in OAF ,XML Document and AK Developer then Apache bounce becomes mandatory.
How to find Report Belongs to particular Request Group
use the following query.

FROM fnd_request_groups frg,
fnd_concurrent_programs_tl frt
WHERE frg.application_id=frt.application_id
AND frt.user_concurrent_program_name='Process Pending Payments'
this will give Request Group name and description.
Overview of Concurrent Manager
A concurrent manager is itself a concurrent program that starts other concurrent programs. This document explains how to start up, define, and configure concurrent managers.. Concurrent Managers are defined and assigned one or more work shifts .You can issue commands to start, verify, shut down, or reset concurrent managers individually or use the ICM to control every manager at once .It is recommended that you restart an individual concurrent manager every time

Follow the steps outlined below to start the ICM during installation of Oracle Applications, after shutdown of concurrent managers, or after restarting your operating system or database.

· Log in to the UNIX server as applmgr
· Select the appropriate database environment
· Use the following command: Startmgr
By default, the ICM periodically monitors each concurrent manager’s processes. You can force this monitoring activity, also known as PMON by selecting the ICM and choosing the Verify button.
Below is a summary listing of the concurrent managers and their functions

1.Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM)
Starts up, verifies the status of, resets, and shuts down theIndividual managers. Settings for the ICM cannot be altered.
2.Standard Manager
Runs 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and accepts any and all requests. It has no specialization and should NOT be altered
Note: If the Standard manager is altered in any way, some programs may not run. We recommend that you define additional managers to handle client-specific needs.
3.Conflict Resolution Manager
The Conflict Resolution Manager resolves conflicts, such as request incompatibilities. The Conflict Resolution Manager checks concurrent program definitions for incompatibility rules. If a program is identified as Run Alone, then the Conflict Resolution Manager prevents the concurrent managers from starting other programs in the same conflict domain. When a program lists other programs as being incompatible with it, the Conflict Resolution Manager prevents the program from starting until any incompatible programs in the same domain have completed running.
4.Scheduler/Prereleaser Manager
Scheduler/Prereleaser manager.
5.Transaction Manager for diagnostics only
Transaction Manager for diagnostics only.

Oracle iProcurement, securing attributes called realms are used to restrict requester access to the catalog.
Realms are securing attributes used to control access to the catalog as an additional layer for application security
ICX_POR_REALM_ID -->Use this attribute to secure the responsibility for category or item
source realms.
Once you create a realm, you assign it to a responsibility or user. The requester associated with that responsibility or user can see whatever categories or item source catalogs are contained in that realm.

1. Create the realm.
2. Assign the realm to a responsibility.
3. Optionally assign realms to individual users if desired.

Create the Realm:

1.Log in to Oracle Purchasing And Navigate Setup > E-Catalog Admin > Realms. window enter your own Name and Description for the realm.
component Type : Category
components: select any existing Category.
3. Save your work Realm Id Generated automatically.

Assign the Realm to a Responsibility:
1.Log on to Sysadmin
2.Open the Responsiblities window
3.Query the responsibility to which you will assign the realm.(Ex: iProcurement)
4.n the Name field, use the LOV to select ICX_POR_REALM_ID.
5. Click on Values Button In the Values Button Select the Relam ID
6. And Save your Changes.

Assign the Realm to Users (Optional):
1.Log on to Sysadmin.
2.Navigation path: Security > User >Define.
3.Query the user (person) to whom you want to assign the realm.
4.In the Securing Attributes tabbed region,in the Attribute field, use the LOV to select ICX_POR_REALM_ID.

5.In the Securing Attributes tabbed region, create a line for each realm you want to
assign to the user. Select ICX_POR_REALM_ID in the Name field and the Realm ID
for each realm.
6. Save your work.

Categories restricted by realms display to requesters when browsing categories;however, the items in those categories do not display.