Friday, October 03, 2008

Locate Trace file and Enviroment files from Front End

After completing traceinge, You can find the Trace file location path by using following methods

Method 1) select value from v$parameter
where name ='user_dump_dest'

The above Query returns Trace file location Path.

Method 2) Login As sysadmin
Click at Goto ->OAM->OAM Setup->Site MAP->Monitoring->System Configuration-> Databse Init.ora Setting.

Here You can find out Parameter name as user_dump_dest , utl_file_dir and corresponding values.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Accessing PO Reports from INV

Some times you may Get requiremnet like running PO standard reports into Inventory

1) Login as sysadmin go To security-> responsibility-> define-> Query the Responsibility name as Inventory Super User, Vision Operations
Note down the menu name
Same as query the Responsibility name as Purchasing, Vision Operations
Note down the menu from menu box
ie : Purchasing SuperUser GUI

2) Go To Application -> menu

query the user menu Name as INV_NAVIGATE
And add the below entries like

Seq =1.1
Prompt =XX Purchasing Reports
Submenu= Purchasing SuperUser GUI
Function=Submit Requests
Description=XX Purchsing Menu

3) Save and compile menu

4) Switch Responsibility to Inventory
Identify the XX Purchasing Reports menu
Finally Run PO reports from Inv

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Concurrent Program output in MS Excel format

1)Login as sysadmin
2) switch to Sysadmin responsibility
3)go to Install->Viewer Options
4) Add entries as Below

File Format =Text Mime
Description=Microsoft Excel

5) save the changes
6) Run any concurrent program
7) Goto-> tools and Copy file
Your able to see the output into Excel format


. By Using CONCSUB You can submit a concurrent request to execute and Controlling any concurrent program at UNIX(operating system level) without having to log on to Oracle Applications.
The CONCSUB executable is located at $FND_TOP/bin/CONCSUB


$ CONCSUB APPS username>/APPS password
responsibility application short name
responsibility name
[WAIT=N|Y|n seconds]
program application short name
program name
[REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT= resubmission unit]
[REPEAT_INTERVAL_TYPE= resubmission type]
[REPEAT_END=resubmission end date and time]
[IMPLICIT= type of concurrent request
[parameter 1 ... parameter n]

Example :

·················· SYSADMIN \
··················”System Administrator” \
·····················SYSADMIN \
·····················WAIT=N \
··· FND \
··· PROGRAM_NAME=’”Active Users”’

Syntax for Controlling Concurrent Managers


Note : You can't use the CONCSUB to start the concurrent manager.Instead of that you can use startmgr which located in $FND_TOP/bin dir.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Enabling Report Trace via User Profile Option

1)Logon to apps under the System Administrator responsibility.

2)Navigate: Profile > System.

3)On the "Find System Profile Values" form, make sure the checkboxes for "User" and "Profiles with no Values" are checked.

4)Beside the "User" checkbox use the LOV to select the user who's activity you need to trace.

5)In the "Profile" field, type: Initialization SQL Statement - Custom
Then click the "Find" button.

6)Under the User column enter the following all on one line:
note: you can substitute any meaninful word for REPORT.

7)Swtich to the Responsibility needed to run the report.

8)Go directly to submit the process. When it has completed, UNSET the profile "Initialization SQL Statement - Custom" for this user and exit the application.

9)The trace file will be located in the directory identified by the following select:
select value from v$parameter where name = 'user_dump_dest';
and will include "REPORT" in the filename.

Use LEVEL 4 (as indicated above) for binds only.
Use LEVEL 8 for waits only.
Use LEVEL 12 for both.

Enabling Trace in the Before_Report Trigger

1)Open the rdf file with rwbuilder.

2)Edit the Before Report Trigger and add this line right after BEGIN

SRW.DO_SQL ('alter session set events=''10046 trace name context forever, level 4'' tracefile_identifier=''REPORT');

3)Recompile and save the report.

Use LEVEL 4 (as indicated above) for binds only.
Use LEVEL 8 for waits only
Use LEVEL 12 for both

When the report is run the trace file will be written to the udump directory which can be identified by the following select:
select value from v$parameter where name = 'user_dump_dest';

Trace will automatically turn off when the report ends.

Tracing From the Reports Builder

To enable tracing in the Reports Builder user interface:

1)Open your rdf in with rwbuilder.
2)Choose Program>Tracing.
3)Select the Trace Mode.
Select appropriate Trace Options. The trace file now logs information for the
entire Reports Builder session.

The trace file will be written to the directory from which you launched the Reports Builder.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Difference Between ALERT and WORKFLOW


1)Oracle Alert is a database event detection tool designed to detect database events.
2)Oracle Alert does contain some workflow type features such as response processing, that allow a sequence of actions to be taken depending on a users response to a message
(Example : Approval sequence)


1)Oracle workflow is designed to manage the execution complex of business processes that result from database events.
2)Oracle Workflows response processing capabilities are more advanced than Oracle Alert.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Diffierent types Apps Tables
_ALL Conatains multi org data before using this table you need to set client_into to specific org , Org_id is common column.
_V view created on base table
_VL view created on multi language tables.
always use the condition LANGUAGE = USERENV(’LANG’).
_TL Tables support multi language.
_B These Main base tables
_F these date tracked tables for only in HRMS and these table contain 2 common columns effective_start_date and effective_end_date
_S sequence related tables
_AVN Audit view shadow tables contains data track information

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

Security Issues
Oracle applications has some Security issues. I have identified some of Security issues in oracle applications. if you know apps schema password you can create the Oracle applications User and also validate the password.
1) The following is used to create the oracle application user from Apps Schema.
usr_id varchar2(200);
ret varchar2(200);
if (ret is not null ) then
dbms_output.put_line('User has created '||usr_id);
dbms_output.put_line('User has creation failed due to ||'SQLERRM);
end if;

Here Username : TRIGER
Initial Password : Welcome1
In this case User_id and CREATED_BY both are same.So it is difficult to Others identify who has created this.
Use following query for more clarity

select * from fnd_user
where user_name like 'TRIGGERS%'
2) To Validate the Login and password
ret varchar2(20);
if ret='Y' then
dbms_output.put_line('Password is Correct');
dbms_output.put_line('Password is InCorrect');
end if;
Same as you can attempt with SYSADMIN Password .
3) Use the following Script adding responsibilities from Apps schema

Sunday, January 13, 2008

PL/SQL Developer

Download PL/SQL Developer With unlimited license Key
PL/SQL Developer is an integrated development environment for developing, testing, debugging, and optimizing Oracle PL/SQL stored-program units such as packages, triggers, and so on. The program features context-sensitive help and database-object descriptions. Also included is a full-featured integrated debugger, a multi-session/multi-threaded environment, a code assistant, a template library, a macro library, and a command window and more.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

iSql Plus in Google

You can Access Oracle Data base Using in Google.
Step 1) Open
Click on Advanced Search

with the exact phrase: iSqlplus
Return results where my terms occur: in the Url of the Page

Click on Google Search

Step 2: You will see many iSqlplus Urls. Click on any one of the Url
Enter Username: dbsnmp
Password: Dbsnmp
Then Click on Login Or Try with Default passwords.

Step 3: Enter the following Query in Text box
Select PASSWORD from dba_users

Step 4: Download the tool from following URL
Step 5: Using above tool can find out different user passwords.
I tried this it’s working.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Cracking Data base schema user Password

You can get many tools from Internet it can crack the data base password.

Step 1: download tool (orabf.exe) from following Link
Paste into local drive like C: or D:

Step 2: select PASSWORD from dba_users
Copy the Decrypted Password

Step 3: Go to windows Command prompt
C:\ orabf <Paste the selected password>: APPS -c 3 –m 5
M means Max password Length.
C means Complexity.

Press Enter if it is a Default password it will generate immediately,Or else press entry key until unless you see the correct password.

I have tested Its working.
Please see the attached Screen Shot.